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- +1 647 606 60 64
Faucet and sink drain repair

Plumbing repairs

Plumbing Services
If your home’s toilets, showers, pipes or other plumbing fixtures are in need of service, you need the most reliable residential plumbing team. Alpha Lynx Plumbing Services, brought our unmatched expertise to households throughout GTA, offering professional service’ at every stage of the process.

We can repair, install, and perform maintenance on just about any tub including standalone tubs, tubs that are combined with a shower, and Whirlpool or Jacuzzi tubs.

Sump pump installation
Sump pumps can be very useful in areas where there is a lot of moving water. For example, lakefront or riverside properties, areas that have large amounts of melting snow in the spring, areas prone to flooding Sump Pump needed.Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis. luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet

Toilet installation

Dishwasher Installation

Washing Machine Installation

Fridge line Installation